RSE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. It is carried out as part of the holistic education which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life. This is delivered through PSE/RSE lessons throughout the year in Key Stage Three and is part of the cross-curricular work of the school. 

The aim of these RSE sessions is to equip young people with the ability to make practical judgments about the right thing to do in particular circumstances; explore and promote virtues which are essential to promoting respect and dignity. The content is curated so that it is delivered in an age appropriate way which reflects the development of the child.

For RSE, we follow the approved diocesan programme provided by TenTen “Life to the Full teaches Relationship, Sex and Health Education”  within the context of a Christian understanding of human sexuality rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Catholic Church.

Please see the below link to access the curriculum map for PSE/ RSE