Catholic Pupil Profile

At St Richard Gwyn we use the Catholic Pupil Profile virtues in all areas of school life, from daily acts of worship, to sanctions and rewards, through to communication with all our stakeholders and through to our Teaching and Learning in the classroom.

The Catholic Pupil Profile is intended to offer a very practical model for forming and educating young people to grow based on the Jesuit Pupil Profile ( )  

The Catholic Pupil Profile is made up of eight pairs of virtues that sum up what members of St Richard Gwyn are growing to be. 

Some of the virtues are evidently linked more to the educational mission of the school (being curious and active, eloquent and truthful, so that you can be learned and wise) while others are more obviously to do with the formation of character and personality (being grateful and generous, attentive and discerning, compassionate and loving, faith-filled and hopeful, intentional and prophetic). 

The virtues of the profile weave and thread together and, taken together, envision what a well-rounded and well- educated, virtuous young person could be. 

Pope Benedict addressing the young people at The Big Assembly, St Mary’s University, Twickenham, 17th September 2010 asked the question; 

“My question for you is this: What are the qualities you see in others that you would most like to have yourselves?  What kind of person would you really like to be?” 

The Catholic Pupil Profile suggests what a good person looks like and invites young people to make its virtues their own, shaping who they aspire to be.  

Alongside the student profile itself, is a parallel statement of what our community here at St Richard Gwyn promotes to help its members grow in the virtues listed, 

St Richard Gwyn Student Profile.Members of  Richard Gwyn are growing to be . . .Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.Attentive to their experience and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.Compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.Faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.Eloquent and truthful in what they say of themselves, the relations between people, and the world.Learned, finding God in all things; and wise in the ways they use their learning for the common good.Curious about everything; and active in their engagement with the world, changing what they can for the better.Intentional in the way they live and use the resources of the earth, guided by conscience; and prophetic in the example they set to others.
Proffil Disgybl Jeswitaidd Mae aelodau Richard Gwyn Sant yn tyfu i fod yn . . .Ddisgyblion diolchgar am eu doniau eu hunain, am ddoniau pobl eraill, ac am fendithion pob diwrnod; ac yn hael gyda’u doniau, gan ddod yn ddynion a menywod er budd eraill. Yn astud o ran eu profiad ac i’w galwedigaeth; ac yn dirnad ynghylch y dewisiadau maen nhw’n eu gwneud, ac effeithiau’r dewisiadau hynny. Yn dosturiol tuag at eraill, ymhell ac agos, yn enwedig y rhai llai ffodus; ac yn gariadus drwy eu gweithredoedd cyfiawn a’u geiriau maddeugar. Yn llawn ffydd yn eu credoau ac yn obeithiol ynghylch y dyfodol.Yn huawdl ac yn eirwir o ran yr hyn maen nhw’n ei ddweud amdanyn nhw eu hunain, y berthynas rhwng pobl, a’r byd.Yn ddysgedig, gan ddod o hyd i Dduw ym mhob peth; ac yn ddoeth yn y ffyrdd maen nhw’n defnyddio eu haddysg er budd cyffredin. Yn chwilfrydig am bopeth; ac yn weithredol yn eu hymgysylltiad â’r byd, gan newid yr hyn y gallan nhw ei newid er gwell.
Yn fwriadol o ran y ffordd maen nhw’n byw ac yn defnyddio adnoddau’r ddaear, dan arweiniad cydwybod; ac yn broffwydol yn yr esiampl maen nhw’n ei osod i eraill. 

Are we able here to remove the Jesuit logo and replace it with the SRG Badge? 

We also need an English version