Pupil Deprivation Grant

The Pupil Deprivation Grant is used to improve attainment for students who are entitled to free school meals – eFSM and children who are looked after – CLA. It is intended to overcome the additional barriers that these learners may face which prevent them from achieving. 
At St Richard Gwyn the way in which we use our grant allocation is incorporated into the school improvement plan.  We have four strategic objectives:
Romote a learning organization with excellent learning for all.
Nurture our Catholic community and culture through effective care, support, and guidance.
Successful: Individuals, school and community.
Recognise and enhance the role that leadership plays for all members of our community.
Our 18-19 grant spends includes:
Pastoral staffing support £113,850
Additional spend for curriculum access £5,000

Professional Learning Grant

For the professional learning plan please Click Here

Pupil Development Grant Strategy Statement

To see the PDG for 2023-2024 please Click Here